
Chemicals make up our world, so which ones are dangerous?  How much of them cause harm?  How do they work and can we predict whether new substances that we are creating will be safe, or can we change their identity or use in a way that makes them more effective or less harmful?  Toxicologists use modern scientific approaches to answer these questions and have knowledge that combines elements of a number of scientific disciplines.

Careers in Toxicology involve participation in basic research (integrating chemistry, biology and biomedical sciences), work in chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries to test and ensure the safety of products, and government agencies who develop and enforce laws to protect public safety.

An education in Toxicology may start early at various stages in your education and career and training in a number of fields, such as chemistry, biology/biochemistry, food science, and health sciences and technology provide a foundation to pursue Toxicology. For more information about Toxicology education opportunities at the ETH Zurich and in Switzerland check out "Teaching/Courses", "Student Research Projects" and "Toxicology courses Uni. Basel".

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